Download our digital magazine 'A Guide to the Dog-Friendly Pubs, Cafes and Restaurants in Beaconsfield and Seer Green' |

Download our digital magazine 'A Guide to the Dog-Friendly Pubs, Cafes and Restaurants in Beaconsfield and Seer Green'

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Why read this magazine:
To give you information on which pubs, cafes and restaurants in Beaconsfield and Seer Green are dog-friendly.
What's inside this magazine:
  • venues that do allow dogs inside,
  • venues that don't allow dogs inside,
  • venues that offer dog treats,
  • comparison of prices of main meals,
  • links to Trip Advisor reviews,
  • 35 venues in total:
    - 9 pubs
    - 9 cafes
    - 17 restaurants
  • venues in Beaconsfield,
  • and venues in Seer Green.
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