Preparing For Your Photoshoot
What should I wear for my photoshoot?
The answer to this question depends a lot on the reason why you're having the photoshoot. For example, if you're intending to use the photos for your work, then you might need to wear something slightly more formal or, at the very least, something that's not overly casual. Even though many work situations are fine with 'casual' clothes, like a smart t-shirt and jeans, this usually won't extend to ripped t-shirts, shorts and flip-flops. Whereas if you're having the photoshoot as a couple and wanting to create some great artwork of the two of you, then you'll be wanting to look really natural and possibly super casual. We've prepared lots of advice to help you consider the "what should I wear?" question:
- advice for couples on what to wear on a couples photoshoot
- clothing advice for women on what to wear for a photoshoot
- advice for adults on what to wear for a photoshoot

If there's more than one of you
The best advice we can say is - "talk to each other". Check you both want the same thing from the photoshoot - smart, smart-casual or casual? an urban or a rural location? formal or informal style of posing? There's no right or wrong answer - all we suggest is that you both agree beforehand. The smart vs casual debate is really super important - in the past we've had couples turn up with one person looking super elegant, as though they were dressed-up for a smart evening out, while the person was dressed in sports gear. If that's really (really?) what you want, we're very happy - but it often suggests the couple haven't reached a decision on the overall style they want from their photoshoot.
Getting you ready
Have a think about any 'new things' you're planning to show off during the photoshoot - for example a new hairstyle, shoes, makeup, or outfit (men and women). Our advice is don't make the photoshoot the first time you introduce these things to the world, as you run the risk of spending more time learning how to be comfortable with these than you will enjoying yourself. This can be particularly true of haircuts - and more so with men. Rarely does a brand new haircut look great compared to a week later once it's had time to grow-in and you've become more comfortable with it. The same is especially true of shoes - if they need 'wearing in', try and do so a few weeks in advance as that way you'll enjoy the photoshoot a lot more.

Travel planning
We'd suggest planning your travel to the photoshoot location at least the day before. Do you know the exact location? Do you know exactly how you're going to get there? Do you know how long it will take to get there at that particular time of the day? If you're attending as a couple, make sure both of you are aware of the answers - in the past we worked with one couple where one person arrived on time, but their partner arrived 45 minutes late because they hadn't realised how long their journey would take, which meant the photoshoot was a lot shorter than everyone wanted it to be. All we're trying to do is to make sure you arrive in plenty of time (ideally early).
If your journey is stress-free you'll be a lot happier during your photoshoot and happy people = relaxed people = much better photos that you'll be delighted with.
Finding out more
Read more of our helpful tips about preparing for your photoshoot.
Get our free 'What to Wear' Magazines

We're currently offering two of our premium digital magazines for free.
The first of these is 'A Guide for Couples on What to Wear at a Photoshoot'. This is a 50 page magazine for couples, which is full of lots of advice, photos and colour combinations to help you choose what you and your partner might wear during a photoshoot.
The second magazine is 'A Guide for Women on What to Wear at a Photoshoot'. This is also a 50 page magazine, full of lots of advice, photos and colour combinations to help you choose what you might wear during a photoshoot. This magazine is specifically tailored towards women.